Dienstag, 27. Juli 2010
Montag, 26. Juli 2010
For most of the Twitter marketing software
For most of the Twitter marketing software, you can find some similarities in their functions. The most common thing is to help you to get more Twitter followers fast and easy. This can be the main selling point for any Twitter marketing product. I can not deny that Twitter followers are important for you to make sales. The more followers you have, the more people will see your tweets. And if you have an affiliate product link, and people buy the product after clicking the link, you earn commissions. You can save a lot of time for getting thousands of followers in few days or weeks, comparing to them who try to get more followers manually.
To make your life even easier, some Twitter marketing software can even let you preset all your tweets, and your tweets will appear on Twitter all around the clock at anytime prefer and preset by you earlier. That means, you can tweet and earn money even when you are sleeping, or going vacations, or need not to be on Twitter again once you have done all the settings. This is really good for those who are too busy to tweet. If you are unable to set too many tweets at a time, the software can help you to spin your messages and thus your tweets will look different every time. This sounds really cool!
However, despite the above mentioned benefits that Twitter marketing software can give to you, many people have overlooked the downsides of those software. In most cases, Twitter marketing software will help you to follow many people in a short span of time and wait for those people to follow you back. If they do not follow you, the software will help you to unfollow them. However, the qualities of followers you get from here are mostly unsatisfying. This is because they are the people who are using software also, or even try to spam your Twitter account with lots of promotion link. When you browse through the tweet histories of these people, you will notice that they are sending lots of promotional and uninformative messages. Their main purpose on Twitter is to make sales.
The worst case that will happen by using Twitter marketing software is your Twitter account will get suspension one day. Twitter.com not allows its users to follow or unfollow people in short span of time. By using Twitter software to follow or unfollow people, you may break this rule easily. Your account will be suspended because of sending tweets too frequently or even worse, sending the same tweet every time.
Therefore, I believe that most of the people that really success in Twitter marketing do not rely on software to help them to get followers or to tweet. To them, two thousand of loyal and quality followers can be much better than twenty thousand of Twitter software followers.
In order to learn more on how and what to do everyday on Twitter, welcome to get a comprehensive guide for yourself at http://www.TwitterDynamics.com. You can read and learn more about Twitter in my blog at http://elvintiong.blogspot.com. Welcome to leave a comment and your twitter user name so that I can follow you back.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elvin_Tiong
Twitter has become a valuable resource
Twitter has become a valuable resource for those looking to expand their brand name. The invention of Twitter has resulted in easy access to a variety of people who may or may not have similar interests. For those looking to use it for business contacts Twitter marketing software and tools offer a usability that works well in conjunction with websites and other products.
Once an entrepreneur has signed up for Twitter, they can set up the direct messaging option to send valuable information to each follower. This can include a welcome message, but also links to worthwhile products and ventures.
One form of marketing comes on software that takes the information posted on a company's websites and uploads it to Twitter. These tweets link back to the base website, inviting potential customers to take a glance at what one has to offer. This automation can also be used to set up tweets at intervals to maximize visibility. This provides information to followers so they are less likely to leave.
Other programs take the information that a business inputs and searches for relevant clientele through tweets. For niche marketers, the advantage is reaching those that are more likely to be interested in what a business is selling. Making sure to use URL shorteners so that more information is available once a link has been clicked.
Some businesses will pay to have other Tweeters place their ads on their Twitter accounts. This strategy provides an additional way of getting brand information out to other users under multiple accounts. More value and less work for the business owner.
With Twitter marketing software and tools at the disposal of business, starting with direct message and automation to creating a valid contact list, businesses can thrive while spending less time on Twitter and more time working their leads.
Get more information on building your business using what the most successful internet marketers use, and the best systems to help you build your business, check out http://www.profits2wealth.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathy_J_Baka
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Sonntag, 25. Juli 2010
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Freitag, 23. Juli 2010
Montag, 19. Juli 2010
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Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2010
Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010
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Samstag, 10. Juli 2010
Forecast Roubini Videos
Né à Istanbul dans une famille de Juifs iraniens, il a vécu une enfance nomade : à l'âge de deux ans, il a vécu à Téhéran (Iran), puis Tel Aviv (Israël) et finalement en Italie où il a complété l'équivalent d'un diplôme collégial. Par la suite, il a étudié en économie à l'Université Harvard aux États-Unis, où il a complété son doctorat en sciences économiques en 1988. Selon son superviseur, Jeffrey Sachs, il avait le talent inhabituel de comprendre les institutions économiques de façon mathématique et intuitive4.
Il a occupé des postes d'enseignement à l'Université Yale.
Il a été économiste senior aux Affaires internationales pour le compte du Council of Economic Advisers (juillet 1998 – juillet 1999), organisation chargée de conseiller le président des États-Unis. Au Département du Trésor des États-Unis, il avait un rôle de conseiller senior auprès du sous-secrétaire aux Affaires internationales (de juillet 1999 à juin 2000).
Dans les années 1990, Roubini avait étudié l'effondrement des économies émergentes. En ligne avec le talent explicité par son superviseur Sachs, il a appliqué une approche historique et intuitive tout en s'appuyant sur sa connaissance des modèles économiques dans le but d'analyser ces pays. Il arriva à la conclusion qu'un commun dénominateur était la cause de ces effondrements : les pays financaient la balance courante par des emprunts effectués à l'étranger. Il a prédit que les États-Unis serait probablement le prochain pays à subir un tel choc : en 2004, il a commencé à exposer ses théories à propos d'un tel effondrement4.
En septembre 2006, il a annoncé lors d'un discours devant une audience de spécialistes, sceptiques, du FMI qu'une crise économique était en gestation : « Dans les mois et les années à venir, les États-Unis vont probablement vivre une dépréciation immobilière qui ne se voit qu'une fois dans une vie, un choc pétrolier, une diminution prononcée de la confiance des consommateurs et, ultimement, une grave récession. »trad 2. Il a prédit la cessation de paiements sur les hypothèques résidentielles, la non-viabilité des mortgage-backed securities dont la valeur atteignait des milliers de milliards de dollars américains et l'arrêt du système financier mondial4. Depuis, l'économiste Prakash Loungani, à l'emploi du FMI, l'a surnommé « le prophète ».
Bien qu'il ait prédit que la crise financière de 2008 commencerait plus tôt qu'elle ne l'a fait, ses descriptions des causes et effets ont été confirmées. En conséquence, il est en 2009 un intervenant majeur dans les débats économiques se déroulant aux États-Unis et sur la scène internationale. Le New York Times affirme qu'il est « le sage qui a vu venir » et le Prospect Magazine, en janvier 2009, l'a mis en 2e place sur une liste des 100 intellectuels vivants les plus influents5. Il a prononcé des discours devant le Congrès des États-Unis, le conseil des relations étrangères et le Forum économique mondial à Davos, Suisse4.
En 2009, il est régulièrement consulté par les gouverneurs des banques centrales en Europe et en Asie. Il occupe également un poste de professeur d'économie au Stern School of Business de l'Université de New York1.
Roubini foi apelidado Dr. Doom
Nouriel Roubini (Istambul, Turquia, 29 de março de 1959) é um economista turco, de origem judaica, naturalizado estadunidense, professor da Stern School of Business da Universidade de Nova York, desde 2009. [1]. É também presidente do grupo de consultoria RGE Monitor, especializado em análise financeira.
No início dos anos 2000, Roubini foi apelidado Dr. Doom ou Doutor Catástrofe, [2] em razão das suas previsões econômicas catastróficas - ou, pelo menos, muito mais pessimistas do que as da maioria dos economistas, na época.
Em 2005, segundo a revista Fortune, Roubini afirmou que "o preço dos imóveis residenciais surfava em uma onda especulativa, que brevemente faria afundar a economia." "Naquela época, foi qualificado de Cassandra. Agora, é considerado um sábio." Suas previsões atuais são igualmente apocalípticas: uma recessão persistente, com mais de dois trilhões de dólares de perdas em créditos e uma crise bancária sistêmica. "O FDIC gastou 10% das suas reservas para socorrer IndyMac, e esta foi a primeira onda de falências," diz Roubini. "Será que daqui a pouco não teremos que socorrer o FDIC?"
Freitag, 9. Juli 2010
Montag, 5. Juli 2010
Freitag, 2. Juli 2010
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